in general Feature Film, A 1998
Genre Drama
length 94 Min
Original version German
A production of Novotny & Novotny Filmproduktion
In co-production with EPO Film
With financial support of
Austrian Film Institute, Niederösterreichische Landesregierung
Nightlife in Vienna with young people, three different episodes, loosely intertwined, a quick tour through sex, drugs and raves. Three stories about the search for love and life – experience with open answers about reality and imagination, hope and hollow promises. Contemporary: all bright and wonderful.
Tagada: A friendship between two girls
Asi Lu: A young woman on her search for love
Crashtest: An unexpected experience of different social classes
maria kastner Petra
cornelia stastny
georg friedrich Mike
martina pöltl Billie
written and directed Barbara Albert, Michael Grimm, Reinhard Jud
DOP Wolfgang Lehner, Georg Diemannsberger
edited by Karina Ressler
PRODUCTION DESIGNer Veronika Merlin, Peter Novotny, Enid Löser
COSTUME DESIGN by Amanda Frühwald
MAKE UP design by Rita Alembik
SOUND Thomas Schmidt-Gentner
MusiC Kim Pil Jung
sounddesigner Werner Wasmayr
ProduCERS Franz Novotny, Karin Novotny
Viennale 1998
, Wien
Filmfestival Hof 1998
, Hof (DE)
Karlovy Vary Film Festival 1999, Karlovy Vary
Rotterdam 1999, Rotterdam
Diagonale 1999, Graz
Tiger Awards Competition 1999, Berlin
Chicago Underground 1999, Chicago
Europäisches Film Fest 1999, Hongkong
5th July 1999
CINEMA RELEASE DATE (AT): 23rd October 1998