in general Feature Film, A 2000
Genre Documentary
length 91 Min
Original version German
A production of Novotny & Novotny Filmproduktion.
With financial support of
Austrian Film Institute, ORF Film/Fernseh-Abkommen
THE PUNISHMENT is a documentary journey through post-war Belgrade from the Nato-bombardment to the millennium celebrations. This is a document of intellectual life in a desolate city, a portrait of the growing hopelessness among the people, far from the norm of media war reportage.
In pictures of the city and interviews, “The Punishment” tells of conditions in Belgrade immediately after the Nato-bombardment. It is a film essay on dissidence and destruction, on the loss of hope and home (country) – and an unaffected look at wartime and events that were shown differently in the media elsewhere in the world. There are voices from an endangered opposition: dramatists and schoolchildren, philosophers, scientists, human rights activists, participants in the war - each of them has his say. Filmmaker Goran Rebic thinks in terms of individuals, not of peoples and ethnic groups. His film is after subjective realities, since “objective” truths have long since lost their validity: close-ups of a city in Europe at the end of the 20th century.
written and directed by Goran Rebic
dop Jerzy Palacz
edited by Martin Matusiak
sound Rdoslav Bojkovic, Branko Djordjevic
Producer Franz Novotny
Berlinale 2000
Eröffnungsfilm Diagonale 2000
Florenz dei Popoli 2000
München Filmfest 2000
New York 2000
Human Rights, Rom 2000
Pesar 2000
Karlovy Vary 2000
Norwegian Haugesund 2000
Internationales Filmfestival Montreal 2000
Sheffield 2000
Int. Doc. Duisburg 2000
Thessaloniki 2000
IDFA Amsterdam 2000
Amascultura Portugal 2000
Göteborg 2000
Buenos Aires 2000
Freedom Los Angeles 2000
FIPA Biarritz 2000
Tschechische Republik, One World Film Festival 2001
Moscow International Film Festival 2003
CINEMA RELEASE DATE (AT): 31st March 2000
Distribution Austria:
Margaretenstraße 78,
1050 Vienna
Tel: +43-1-581 39 00 20