in general Feature Film, A I BiH I Turkey I FR2003
Genre Black Comedy
length 105 Min
Original version Serbo-croatian, English
A production of Refresh Productions Sarajevo
In Co-prodcution with Novotny & Novotny Filmproduktion (A), RTV FBIH Bosnia Heregovina (BiH), Istanbul Filmservice (Turkey), Cine Sud Promotion (FR)
With financial support of
Filmfonds Wien, Minitardtvo kulture i sporta kantona sarajevo, Fondacija za kinematografiju FBHI, Fonds sud cinema, Ministère des affairs étrangères, Ministère de la culture, Fondacione montecinema varità locarno, The hubert bals fund of international film festival rotterdam, Uprava grada sarajeva, JP BH telecom, The delegation of the European commision to BiH
Fuse (Gori Vatra) is a tale of a family collapsing and of post-war reality. Tale of the miracle of people who are ready to stand everything, who remain hopeful and who decide to struggle to live better. Tesanj: a small picturesque Bosnian town.
On the surface – good, open people, humble and decent lives, a market place, tradition and neighbourhood.
Under the surface – ethnic intolerance, crime, prostitution and total corruption.
Suddenly, the news that the US President Clinton is coming to visit the town soon and that he is willing to accept the “honour” of becoming citizen and the “godfather” of their municipality. It all seems to be a clear indication of the better times coming, the days of welfare, progress, happiness and prosperity. But this must be earned somehow: in seven days all that what has not been good – crime, corruption and ethnic intolerance – must simply be perished.
Tragic-comic reality of Bosnia and Herzegovina is shown, two years after the war. Under the supervision and with wholehearted assistance of the international community observers a frenzied race with time starts in an attempt to build democracy in seven days. In this race the whole town goes completely crazy…
Enis beslagic Faruk
bogdan diklic Zaim
hubert kramar Supervizor
jasna zalica Ljuta zena
written and directed by Pjer Zalica
DOP Mirsad Herovic
edited by Almir Kenovic
MusiC Sasa Losic
PRODUCTION DESIGNer Kemal Hrustanovic
MAKE UP design by Jolanda Buhin, Halid Redzebasic
SOUND Marton Jankov-Tomica, Nenad Vukadinovic
Sounddesigner Samir Foco
ProduCER Ademir Kenovic (Refresh Productions)
CO-PRODUCERS Franz Novotny (Novotny & Novotny Filmproduktion), RTV FBIH Bosnia Heregovina (BiH), Istanbul Filmservice (Turkey), Cine Sud Promotion (FR)
56. Festival del film Locarno 2003, Locarno
9th Sarajevo International Filmfestival 2003, Sarajevo
Toronto International Filmfestival 2003, Toronto
Vancouver International Film Festival 2003, Vancouver
Bosnia Film Festival 2003, Sarajevo
11. Raindance Film Festival UK, London
3. Festival Int. du Film de Marrakech, Marrakesch
1. Zagreb Film Festival 2003, Zagreb
39. Chicago International Film Festival 2003, Chicago
30. Flanders International Film Festival 2003, Ghent
25. Int. Mediterranean FF 2003, Montpellier
23. Festival International du Film d’Amiens, Amiens
5. Bratislava International Film Festival, Bratislava
Arte Mare, Festival des cultures en méditerranée, Bastia
AFIfest Los Angeles 2003, Los Angeles
44. Thessaloniki IFF 2003, Thessaloniki
European Film Academy 2003
11th August 2003 at Locarno Film Festival
CINEMA RELEASE DATE (AT): 30th April 2004
Pyramide International
5, rue du Chevalier de Saint George
75008 Paris
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