Blutsfreundschaft Filmplakat



A film by Peter Kern


in general Feature film, A 2009
genre Drama
length 92 Min
Original version German

A production of Novotny & Novotny Filmproduktion.

With financial support of
Austrian Film Institute, Vienna Film Fund, MEDIA, Mitteldeutsche Medienförderung

After 16-year-old Axel attacked a social institution with his Neo-Nazi-gang he hides at a laundry. The 80-year-old homosexual owner Gustav Tritzinsky gives the boy shelter because he reminds him of his firstlove who he betrayed to the Gestapo in the Nazi era. But the gang of Axel doesn’t agree in his evolving friendship with the old man at all.



helmut berger Gustav Tritzinsky
harry lampl Axel
melanie kretschman Jacob/Christina Thürmer
heribert sasse Willy
manuel rubey Snoopy
michael steinocher Lippi
oliver rosskopf Peter
matthias stein Wolfi
jazz gitti  The Paepstin


written and directed by
Peter Kern 

dop Peter Roehsler
production designer Hannes Salat
costume design by Maurizio Giambra
make up design by Sam Dopona

edited by Petra Zöpnek
sound Odo Grötschnig

Sounddesigner Odo Grötschnig, Wolfgang Mohaupt
music Boris Fiala, Andreas Hamza

Casting by Eva Roth, Judith Doppler
line producer Alexander Glehr
producer Franz Novotny


in panorama of 60th berlinale,
Berlin 2010
festival des mondes, Montreal 2009


Cinema release date (AT): Autumn 2009

World Sales


east west distribution

Schottenfeldgasse 14
1070 Vienna, Austria
Tel:+43 1 524 93 10 34



Distribution Austria:

Stadtkino Filmverleih

Spittelberggasse 3
1070 Vienna
Tel: +43 1 522 48 14

PR & Media Contact Austria:


Graf-Starhemberggasse 4/DG/31
A-1040 Vienna
Tel: +43.699.1190 22 57

Blutsfreundschaft Filmplakat