

goes Green

Like Landkrimi VIER (Marie Kreutzer) and SACHERTORTE (Tine Rogoll), we also produced Ulrike Kofler's new feature film GINA according to the criteria of the Austrian Ecolabel. We are pleased to present some of the results of our efforts towards ecologically sustainable film production shortly before the films completion:

Many costumes were purchased second hand or rented; 30% of the entire set decoration and props were rented or bought used by the production design and the makeup design used certified natural cosmetics.

We have now been able to almost completely ban disposables from our base and produce less waste by avoiding disposable cups and PET bottles. Two veggie days per week reduce meat consumption and ensure healthier and more sustainable food.

A large proportion of our locations could be supplied with green electricity.

Around 9,300 km were traveled by train and public transport on the Wiener Linien - for comparison, the distance from Vienna to Hollywood is 9,800 km! Every avoided car journey saves emissions.

For the 20 days of filming on our main location, we rented a green room for children and actors, a make-up room and a costume room in a hotel within walking distance. This meant that the mobiles had to be operated for almost 4 weeks less – a huge saving in resources and emissions.

The CO2 emissions from transport and mobility resulting from production were calculated in the LAFC's CO2 calculator - we recorded all fuel used, mileage paid, flights booked, train journeys as well as taxi and courier journeys. This resulted in 39.9 tons of CO2. We have compensated for these emissions, which unfortunately cannot (yet) be avoided, by financially supporting a climate protection project: Der Garten der Begegnung is an eco-social integration project in which interested people, Traiskirchen residents, students and asylum seekers grow and process fruit and vegetables together ecologically.

Thanks to the entire team for their collaboration!
